Do you want spectacular roses? Discover the winter ritual that works wonders



Cornelia Pugliesi

Roses are among the most loved flowers in the world, but few know the true secret to achieving an explosive bloom in spring. Winter care is the crucial moment that determines the beauty of your rose garden.

The perfect time to prepare the roses for the grand show

Winter pruning is not just a simple cut of the branches. It is a real ritual that must be performed between January and February, when the plant is in its dormant phase. During this period, the roses accumulate the energy necessary for a spectacular bloom.

The method that will change your garden forever

The 45-degree cut technique above a bud facing outward is just the beginning. The real secret lies in the protective mulching that you must apply after pruning. By using a mixture of organic compost and shredded bark , you will create a natural shield that will protect the roots from frost and nourish the plant.

The nourishment that makes a difference

Winter feeding is essential. A fertilizer rich in potassium and phosphorus will stimulate root development during the dormant phase. This will allow the plant to better absorb nutrients when it resumes activity in spring.

The protection that few know

In colder regions, protection with non-woven fabric is not enough. The trick is to create an insulating air chamber around the stems, using a double covering that allows the plant to breathe while preventing rot.

The results that will leave you speechless

By following this method, you will notice a substantial difference from the very first spring buds. The buds will be more numerous , the flowers larger and longer-lasting , and the bloom will last throughout the season .

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Cornelia Pugliesi

I am Cornelia Pugliesi, and I love to write about how to make the home and garden harmonious and welcoming places. With the same passion, I explore the univers des astres to offer you des horoscopes that brighten your days.

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